Canada Funding Program



Investor Relations Audience
Financial Reports Audited 
Stock Market Indicators

Invest Ontario



Chambre de Notaires de Montréal - Chambre de Commerce.

Invest Qc


Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia Securities Commission. 
Crowdfunding Portal 

Invest NS



Economic development funding programs. 
Atlantic Ocean Program


Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis

MCDA refers to a variety of approaches for structuring the factors (monetary and non-monetary) involved in cognitively challenging analytical tasks. The numerous methodologies that fall under the
MCDA umbrella share the common objective of facilitating a transparent and systematic process for organizing and ranking potential decisions to solve a problem (Huang et al., 2011). An additional key tenet of many methodologies involves convening stakeholders to rank, or weight, to decision making criteria based on their expert judgment.

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Decision Tree Analysis

Decision tree analysis (DTA) provides decision makers with a graphical representation of various
alternatives to solve a problem. DTA is useful in analyzing sequential decisions in which uncertainty can be treated as a discrete in time, and it provides users with an understanding of the interdependencies between initial and subsequent decisions. In port resilience contexts, DTA can be used to evaluate the expected value of cost facing disruptive events to port systems and operations
with and without the implementation of an identified REO.

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Real Option Analysis

Real options analysis (ROA) applies options valuation techniques towards analyzing decisions, such
as whether to invest in a certain REO. ROA takes into account uncertainty about the future evolution
of the parameters that determine the value of the decision, coupled with management's ability to
respond to the evolution of these parameters. Inputs for ROA calculations can include spot prices,
Monte Carlo simulation-derived measures of volatility, and the dividends generated by the REO.

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Sustainability Strategy

Nova Scotia Port Authority

Investment Portal

Start-up Crowdfund Exemption

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Ocean Research

Nova Scotia Charting Services to navigate the Atlantic Region.

Cleantech Fuel

Automated Vessel navigation powered by cleantech fuel.

Life Cycle Cost Analysis

This analysis tool sums the initial costs and future costs over the project’s viable life under conditions in which the benefits are assumed to be equal among all projects. LCCA thus identifies most affordable means of accomplishing proposed goal.

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Benefit Cost Analysis

Benefit-cost analysis is similar to LCCA, but accounts for both life-cycle benefits and costs for an individual strategy. It is useful for comparing alternatives when benefits are not identical, or when benefits are across projects that have different objectives.

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Economic Impact Analysis 

If the scope of a MTS component’s resilience analysis extends outside of the port, an economic impact analysis (EIA) can help aid evaluation of REOs, as EIAs monetize the indirect economic and climate change impacts on transportation infrastructure performance and costs.

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Meet The Team
Our Professionals

Bank of canada


Cyber Resilience for organization compliance.

payments canada


Transport contract payment for logistics network internal return rates.

service payment system


Foreign service payment for international trade commerce. 

Financial Stability Board

Identifying major risk assessment across Canadian financial market and European economy to perform bilateral treaties inform of contracts.


Port Authorities 

Business purpose is to make investments according to its mandate, delivering against its strategic objective while recovering its capital on a portfolio basis and recycling its capital base over the long term.


Industrial Design

Leonaxa Corporation - marine transport for container shipping support operations - Atlantic Region & Panama Canal



Per Month
  • 5 Containers
  • Logistics Management
  • Production Cost
  • Border Clearance
B2B Contract



Per Month
  • 10 Containers
  • Inventory Management
  • IDE Pterois Volitans
  • Just in time delivery
C2B Contract



Per Month
  • 15 Containers
  • Hinterland or Intermodal
  • Industrial Design
  • Transport Contract
Intergovernmental Contract

Capital Management

The capital structure of Leonaxa Corporation consists of common and preference shares. Preference shares are the primary source of funding. Leonaxa Corporation is not authorized to borrow credit from banking industries other than providing guarantee and entering into loan commitments in support of its investment transactions, for an annual aggregate amount not exceeding the annual commitment amount approve and effective under the most recent Corporate Strategy. Amounts guaranteed, if any, are disclosed in the Interim Condensed Financial Statements.





Our Team




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What Can We Offer for Your Business

The objective of Leonaxa Corporation, as established by the directive pursuant to the characterization of bilateral agreement, is to take such steps as are necessary to implement its treaties in accordance with any Statement of Priorities and Compliance, as may be issued by authorities. The intention is for Leonaxa Corporation to support the growth of Canada's clean economy, and help to meet its national economic and climate policy goals, including to reduce emissions and achieve Canada's low carbon projects, technologies, business, and supply chains by deploying from innovative funding structures to help mitigate certain risks and uncertainties inherent to investing in the low-carbon economy.

  • 2 Ralston Avenue, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
  • Port of Halifax - Port of Montreal 
  • +1 514 212-8028

Nova Scotia Support Number
(+1 902 999-8028)

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